Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Petitions and More, Nov. 25

https://action.hsi.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=104&ea.campaign.id=24844 Deny Import Permit for Black Rhino Hunt; more attention needed!
http://act.wildhorsepreservation.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=18829 BLM: Protect Wild Horses from Gold Drilling Exploration Project!
Needs more signatures
http://www.petitionhub.org//Charge-And-Prosecute-Owner-That-Abandoned-His-Dog-Tied-To-A-Tree-For-More-Than-10-Days-t-741 Truly dedicated petitioners are seeking justice in otherwise unknown horrific animal cruelty cases; READ please, the correct targets, contents, proof with images are provided, updates posted; support these petitions! Ignore this smear campaign on Care2.com, don't let the animals be the victims of this, again! Every petitionsite is 'making money' in order to exist and to provide a free platform!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/politique/demandons-nouvelle-loi-contre-commerce-consommation/12667  A new law against the trade in and consumption of dog and cat meat in Switzerland! Confirm, cliquer-ici!
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/refusons-ouverture-extension-elevage-1600-primates/13210 Reject the opening and extension of a breeding facility of primates (1600!) near Strasbourg! More signatures urgently!
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/877/701/022/ Americans, Wildlife, National Parks Targeted as Collateral Damage by Navy Plans
                 =========    News, votes, more   ===========
http://www.bontvoordieren.nl/dom-bontje-verkiezing-2014/ Here they are, the six nominees for Dom Bontje 2014/Dumb Fur bearers 2014, take your pick, ‘stem’
Here is just a small list of our successful animal campaigns in the last period: http://l.facebook.com/l/UAQFCpMU3AQG1uP3HbLVO-S4pqzfXbAH2NbBQVxhywWk5dA/www.yousignanimals.org/successful-campaigns.php
Furthermore, we have been as transparent as possible and all the information about us has been posted on the website. Here is the link to our FAQ section: http://l.facebook.com/l/jAQGjGzmCAQF-DxAGVESicbxFyqwJ0zWhnOEYRlYJNEr6mg/www.yousign.org/en/faq.php
YouSign Animals YouSign Animals 24 november 22:26 
We are very disappointed to hear that such misleading and false information is being spread

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