Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Petitions and More, June 18


https://www.animalleague.org/yulin-pledge-2024/  End the Dog Meat Trade For Good!
https://stopthesacrifice.com/  A Plea for a Compassionate Eid. We urge Muslims to explore alternative ways to participate in Eid that are more compassionate and arguably sacrificially superior to conventional practices
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/contre-abattage-rituel-domicile-liege-contradiction/231342 Belgium. Against ritual slaughter at home in Liège in contradiction with the Walloon Animal Welfare
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/interdiction-abattage-rituel-etourdissement/231325 France.  For the prohibition of ritual slaughter without stunning 
https://www.l214.com/enquetes/2021/abattoir-bigard-charal-socopa-cuiseaux/  France. Let's ban the slaughter of pregnant cows and unstunned slaughter!
https://www.l214.com/enquetes/2024/vaches-de-meillac/  France. Let's save the cows of Meillac, who lived in a pond of slurry, now placed in quarantine to be treated, fed and watered within the OABA foundation, until a decision on their future is made by the Saint-Malo prosecutor
https://www.l214.com/stop-cruaute/cofigeo/ In intensive farms like those from which William Saurin and the Cofigeo group supply, the living conditions of chickens are extremely difficult, stop this cruelty
https://www.greenpeace.org/brasil/apoie/relatorio-bancando-a-extincao/  Brazilian-info. Demanding banks and financial institutions operating in Brazil to comply with current rules and implement more stringent measures to immediately stop directing resources to those who deforest and cause damage to biodiversity, the climate and our future!
https://pasa.org/fight-the-trade-of-primates/ Not For Sale – End the Trade in African Primates
https://action.nrdc.org/letter/3235-special-areas-061624  Urge the Biden administration to protect the Western Arctic from fossil fuel companies
https://tinyurl.com/4dkabx92  Russia. Erzovka, Volgograd region, the house for hundreds of cats and dogs,  shelter Murts. The owner of the land is trying to terminate the contract, selling the land for 8 Million, the animals facing eviction within 1 month. Unaffordable finances, no support from the local authorities. They need financial help and publicity!
https://www.change.org/p/fermons-l-escouade-canine-mrc-beauceville  France. Close the MRC Beauceville dog squad for letting dogs and cats die, transfer it to the SPCA
https://www.change.org/p/fordern-sie-strengere-strafen-f%C3%BCr-tierqu%C3%A4lerei  Germany. Demand stricter penalties for animal cruelty
https://www.change.org/p/stoppt-die-andauernde-qu%C3%A4lerei-der-aus-griechenland-geretteten-12-j%C3%A4hrigen-h%C3%BCndin-sissi  Germany. Stop the ongoing severe abuse of the 12-year-old dog Sissi, rescued from Greece
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Petitions and More, June 17


https://investigations.peta.org/killing-of-juvenile-horses/  No screen is large enough to hide the countless corpses of the horses who have already been fatally injured in these events
https://secure.everyaction.com/W7p8uQb3_k-aKWb-tyAyLg2 Reminder. US-info. Co-sponsor the Kangaroo Protection Act (H.R. 4995)
https://action.hsi.org/page/137116/action/1  Reminder. Urge Viet Nam to ban the dog and cat meat trades
https://support.peta.org/page/4150/action/1  Update. Close Pymatuning Deer Park Permanently
https://action.foe.org/page/69054/action/1 Reminder. Tell NMFS to Stop corporate overfishing and Save endangered orcas from extinction!
https://www.change.org/p/exigimos-leyes-para-detener-y-castigar-la-tortura-y-asesinato-de-gatos-en-china  We demand laws to stop and punish the torture and murder of cats in China
https://www.change.org/p/refugio-para-salvar-a-los-gatos-de-malgrat-de-mar  Spain. Demanding that the City Council of Malgrat de Mar create a shelter to be able to address overpopulation of cats in an effective and humane manner, neutering, care, adoption
https://www.change.org/p/proh%C3%ADban-la-celebraci%C3%B3n-del-toro-embolado-en-alicante  Urge local authorities to ban the cruel Toro Embolado in Alicante!
https://tinyurl.com/5bvexyn9 Russia. Complaints about violent actions against animals/ people are most often not considered, get rid of these sadistic tormentors on social media! 
https://tinyurl.com/yswkf3mj Russia. Punish the tormentors for beating up a puppy in the village of Slavkovichi and for cruelty to many more animals! 
https://www.change.org/p/bakirk%C3%B6y-belediyesi-topladigin-t%C3%BCm-k%C3%B6peklerimizi-geri-ver  Turkey. Bakirköy Municipality, return all the community dogs you collected (after being spayed, neutered)
https://tinyurl.com/2dkpjrvx  Russia. Find and punish the pigeon killers in Mytishchi
https://www.change.org/p/peti%C3%A7%C3%A3o-para-a-manuten%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-cachorro-bruno-na-%C3%A1rea-acad%C3%AAmica  Let 14-years old Bruno stay in the academic health area, beloved, vaccinated, well taken care of
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Petitions and More, June 15


https://eci.ec.europa.eu/033/public/#/screen/home EU-info. End The Horse Slaughter Age
https://act.biologicaldiversity.org/OBfGpcq0KUGtGJNnhPjNNg2  Save Endangered Orcas From Noise Pollution
https://p2a.co/pVX0n3Z  CA-info. Please Support AB 1889 and AB 2320, protect California's wildlife by encouraging local governments to include wildlife connectivity in their land use plan!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/interdiction-abattage-rituel-etourdissement/231325  For the ban on ritual slaughter without stunning in France. To validate
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/pfbid02mJsMsKSVKciKBL4Knf4iVrDzCAFky3ucvAuSEPp9N9DL2XyQTxsBDDiqYhnRHtvTl Tweets, 6/21 will be the 4th Yulin Dog Meat "Festival since China reclassified dogs as “pets” instead of “livestock.” Stop this barbarisme! 
https://tinyurl.com/2jthfzjj Russia. Ichalki, Perevozsky district. Bring to criminal responsibility a resident of Ichalki for killing a puppy with extreme cruelty, beating it to death!
https://www.change.org/p/justicia-para-los-perros-del-colegio-benigno-jimenez-garay  Justice for Papi and Blanco Negro, dogs that were taken from the campus and abandoned to their fate, condemning Papi to Die
https://tinyurl.com/5bcnzfyw  Russia. 70% of domestic animals in Russia suffer from a lack of proper nutrition and care. We call on the city authorities of Erofey Pavlovich to take measures to ensure decent treatment and care for animals in the city
https://www.change.org/p/prohibir-petardos-semanales-en-el-barrio-de-les-corts  Ban weekly firecrackers in the Les Corts neighborhood
https://www.change.org/p/aboliamo-i-colpi-scuri-su-contigliano-15-16-06-bombardamenti-nocivi-durante-le-festivit%C3%A0  Let's abolish the "Dark Shots" on Contigliano 15-16/06 Harmful Bombings During the Holidays
Click several times a day and donate if possible 
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Petitions and More, June 14


https://action.hsi-europe.org/page/151358/petition/1 Call on China to end the cruel dog and cat meat trade
https://igualdadanimal.mx/campana/caballos/carne-de-caballo/ The slaughter of horses in Mexico. Horses, as well as other animals that are killed for consumption, suffer severely at slaughterhouses
https://igualdadanimal.mx/protectores-de-animales/  Help end the fear and pain animals feel on farms and in slaughterhouses in Mexico
https://support.peta.org/page/67880/action/1  Urge Prosecutor to Uphold Indiana’s Cruelty Statute and Charge Hoarder Who Left Animals to Die
https://support.peta.org/page/68356/action/1  Kirshner Wildlife Foundation Flouts Animals’ Well-Being, Laws, and Safety: Act Today!
https://www.peta.org/action/action-alerts/monkey-escapes-primate-center-closure/  Reminder. Calling for the immediate closure of the WaNPRC and the release of the monkeys to appropriate sanctuaries to live out their lives with the safety and dignity that they deserve
https://secure.everyaction.com/W7p8uQb3_k-aKWb-tyAyLg2 The Kangaroo Protection Act (H.R. 4995) would ban the sale of any kangaroo parts in the U.S. Stop the commercial slaughter of native wildlife in the Outback!
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/laissera-chiens-chats-marie-galante-mourir/231308 The shipping company which allows us to reach Guadeloupe where the airport is located refuses to transport our animals from now on. Will Marie Galante's dogs and cats be left to die on the island located 1 hour by boat from Guadeloupe (French territory)? To validate
https://secure.everyaction.com/zTxwFrXFm0OW0d6iADkiaA2  Take Action For Special Places in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
https://www.change.org/p/necesitamos-polic%C3%ADa-ambiental-para-pto-boyac%C3%A1-boyac%C3%A1-colombia We need environmental police for Pto. Boyacá, Colombia to provide welfare conditions to the animal population of our town
https://tinyurl.com/5n8p73m4 Russia. We demand a real prison sentence for the killer who hung dog Rafi, nine months old, loved by his owners and all neighbors, who lives a few houses away from Rafi’s owners, in Volno-Nadezhdinskoye!
https://www.change.org/p/firma-para-pedir-que-todos-los-gobiernos-protejan-a-los-animales-y-reconozcan-sus-derecho  Calling on all parliaments and governments of the world to pass legislation recognising the rights of non-human animals and protecting them from all forms of abuse and mistreatment
https://tinyurl.com/yu5mn2ds  Ban keeping dogs on chains in Russia
https://www.change.org/p/prohiban-las-bombas-de-estruendo-en-las-manifestaciones  Ban stun bombs (explosions generating a high level of noise) at demonstrations
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/441/667/474/ Turkey's New "Murder Law" Could Kill Thousands of Stray Dogs
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/729/035/591/ Pharmaceutical Pollution Is Poisoning Wildlife, Causing Addiction, Anxiety, and Population Die-Off for Animals
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Petitions and More, June 13


https://secured.humanesociety.org/page/150170/action/1  Urge China to stop Yulin’s dog and cat meat cruelty!
https://igualdadanimal.org/actua/contra-matanza-para-carne-de-caballo/ Reminder. Spain, for the End of Horse Slaughter! 
https://support.peta.org/page/52908/action/1  Reminder. Ducks’ Throats Slit, Legs Cut Off—Urge Target and Others to Act Now!
https://action.four-paws.org.uk/page/151619/action/1  UK-info. The upcoming General Election provides us with the chance to make the country a safer and kinder place for animals
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/nature-environnement/forets-perigord-danger-prefet-durcissons-reglementation/231211  Reminder. France. Périgord forests in danger: Mr. Prefect, let's toughen up the regulations on clearcutting!
https://www.facebook.com/angela.willmes/posts/pfbid0PZP8paqXoBQyGbeqjV2pFCs2cEW5a8ynru6q6C8zHG9YVYXAW26aZo3dRFL5qtx3l Tweets for the SAFE Act, HR3475, prevent export and slaughter of Horses and Burro's abroad! 
https://www.change.org/p/stopp-der-errichtung-eines-tierversuchslabor-in-saarbr%C3%BCcken  Germany. Stop the construction of an animal testing laboratory in Saarbrücken 
https://tinyurl.com/4mxme9d7 Russia. Prohibit posting videos and photos of animal abuse, torture, and impose a large fine on those responsible: parents of children and children themselves
https://www.change.org/p/implementa%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-atendimento-veterin%C3%A1rio-em-concei%C3%A7%C3%A3o-do-par%C3%A1  Brazil. Conceição do Pará. Demanding the public authorities to implement a veterinary care service aimed at abandoned animals belonging to low-income families
https://www.change.org/p/solicitamos-com-m%C3%A1xima-urg%C3%AAncia-um-hospital-veterin%C3%A1rio-gratuito-para-a-cidade-de-niter%C3%B3i  Brazil. Private veterinarians are very expensive. We urgently need a free veterinary hospital in Niterói!
https://www.change.org/p/kein-t%C3%B6ten-der-tauben Against the killing of pigeons (use alternatives) 
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/963/684/118/das-geplante-t%C3%B6ten-der-stadttauben-in-limburg-muss-sofort-gestoppt-werden/  Germany. In Limburg the city pigeons are to be killed by breaking their necks. This was decided by a referendum. Stop this cruelty!
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Petitions and More, June 12


Please right-click on each link and choose: open link in new tab 
https://act.whitecoatwaste.org/page/68821/action/1  Smithsonian Director, we demand the Smithsonian divest from Auburn’s kitten mill, used for torturous experiments!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/150856/action/1 Reminder. Tell Nigerian Officials to Stop Social Media Animal Torturer! Puppies and Kittens Tortured by Oba Ogun – Please Help
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/26847/petition/1  Urge the UK Government to Mandate an End to All Experiments on Animals
https://www.awionline.org/action-center#/485 US-info. Protect Primates from the Cruel Pet Trade, co-sponsor the Captive Primate Safety Act (H.R. 8164/S.4206)
https://advocacy.charityengine.net/Default.aspx?isid=2140  US-info. Co-sponsor the Captive Primate Safety Act
https://norapatrilisce.cz/  Stop the burrowing and save the foxes from a cruel death in the Czech Republic!
https://voteforanimals.org.uk/ UK-info. General Election 2024. Calling on candidates to pledge to crackdown on cruelty and be a voice for animals in Parliament if elected
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/punir-tentative-meurtre-animal-defense-justice/231224 Punishment for the attempted murder of a defenseless animal: Justice for cat Céleste! To validate
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/urgence-protegeons-chats-sauvages-menaces/231209  As the Paris 2024 Olympic Games approach, hundreds of feral cats will be forcibly evicted to make way for the construction of new buildings and infrastructure
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/nature-environnement/forets-perigord-danger-prefet-durcissons-reglementation/231211 Périgord forests in danger: Mr. Prefect, let's toughen up the regulations on clearcutting!
https://act.stand.earth/page/68082/petition/1  Pellet mills supplying Drax have violated Canadian environmental laws 189 times
https://www.peta.de/aktiv/affen-kokosnussernte-petition/  Updated. Delisting of Thai coconut products from monkey exploitation
https://secure.everyaction.com/6ggsaGhSpEG70xTUE9PEtA2 Protect pollinators! Take action on pollinator-toxic pesticides in the supply chain
https://www.change.org/p/no-al-far-west-progetto-basta-caccia  Italy. Stop the government's amendment, commonly called the "Wild West" amendment but also the "Wild Hunt" amendment, which will allow hunters to be able to shoot animals anywhere and everywhere!
https://www.change.org/p/giresun-hayvanat-bah%C3%A7esinde-de%C4%9Fil-ait-olduklar%C4%B1-yerde-olsunlar  Turkey. Let them (animals) be where they belong, not in Giresun Zoo
https://www.change.org/p/paremos-la-instalaci%C3%B3n-de-2-parques-de-bater%C3%ADas-en-la-llana-de-ques  Stop the installation of 2 battery parks in La Llana de Ques, affecting people, livestock, wildlife
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/461/394/369/ Protect wolves and other vulnerable species! 
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Petitions and More, June 11


https://act.projectcoyote.org/a/hr-8492-federal-wkc US-info. Please Co-sponsor HR8492 to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests on Public Lands!
https://whe.salsalabs.org/inregards/index.html US-info. In Regards to Wild Horse and Burro Welfare
https://fermesasang.fr/?utm_source=cycle_relationnel2  Demanding a permanent cessation of the production and importation of the hormone eCG within the European Union, and in particular in France, stop the blood farms with mares!
https://urgence-climatique-animals.fr/  Animals panting from the heat, dying in overcrowded farms, crowded into trucks and livestock ships…We demand changes!
https://support.bornfree.org.uk/page/150882/action/1 UK-info. With the UK being one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, we must make it clear to all our political candidates that wild animals and nature matter
https://action.wildlifesos.org/page/74446/action/1  Refuse to ride and demand the retirement of all elderly, injured and disabled elephants in India
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/justice-3-chatons-tues-sauvagement/231176 France. Justice for these 3 kittens brutally killed with a pitchfork! To validate
https://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/loi-animaux-compagnie-precise/231199  France. For a law for pets, against abandonment, for sterilization, against euthanasia etc....
https://vgt.at/presse/news/2020/news20200701mn_3.php  Austria. Against the keeping of pigs on fully slatted floors
https://action.foe.org/page/68753/action/1 Stop greedy polluters from destroying public lands and wildlife habitat
https://www.change.org/p/justi%C3%A7a-para-floquinho-pela-guarda-definitiva-e-nova-lei-de-prote%C3%A7%C3%A3o-animal  Justice for Floquinho - guarantee the permanent custody of Floquinho for Eranilde and propose the creation of a new law that allows pet shops and veterinary clinics to retain animals with signs of abuse, ensuring their immediate protection .....
https://www.change.org/p/prohiban-el-ruido-de-pirotecnia-en-pueblos-de-galicia  Ban the noise of pyrotechnics in towns in Galicia
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/373/992/091/ South Dakota Laws Allow People To Kill Their Pets Like Cricket the Dog
https://www.yummypets.com/voice Ongoing click-to-donate campaigns, once a day 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Petitions and More, June 10


Please right-click on each link and choose: open link in new tab  
https://secure.everyaction.com/5THN20Toj0OeN882Gi6Ayw2 Continue Humane Management of Little Book Cliffs Wild Horse Herd!
https://secure.everyaction.com/DA7Wl2O6aU-WRceYVG0Ydw2  Largest Wild Horse Roundup Threatens to Send Historic Herd Barreling towards Extinction, Protect Wyomings North Lander's incredible Wild Horses!
https://secure.peta.org.uk/page/31471/action/1  Ask TUI to Stop Supporting Orca Abuse
https://www.change.org/p/%C5%9Fanl%C4%B1urfa-da-k%C3%B6peklere-ya%C5%9Fat%C4%B1lan-vah%C5%9Feti-durdurun-%C5%9Fanl%C4%B1urfadakatliamvar  Turkey. In Şanlıurfa, dogs have been rounded up and killed for days under the pretext of rabies! Media organizations like TRT have been producing fake news for weeks about the increase in rabies in Turkey, prosecute the officials for this massacre! 
https://www.change.org/p/salvemos-a-las-cabras-de-la-sierra-de-callosa-de-segura  Save the goats of the Callosa de Segura mountain range, Spain, relocate them to places where they can live peacefully and with the means to ensure their survival, here they are dying of thirst, hunger, diseases, and are being hunted and killed for entertainment!
https://www.change.org/p/aiutaci-a-riaprire-un-ambulatorio-per-il-dr-guerra-facciamo-la-differenza We ask the relevant authorities to seriously consider opening a veterinary clinic in the name of Dr. Guerra, this would be an invaluable service to our community, ensuring that Dr. Guerra can continue to serve animals and their owners with the same dedication and passion that sets him apart
https://www.change.org/p/queremos-o-castra-m%C3%B3vel-de-volta-ao-parque-da-cidade  We want the Castra Móvel, mobile spay and neuter unit, back in Parque da Cidade, Brazil
https://www.change.org/p/denunciare-e-fermare-la-violenza-sui-cavalli-da-parte-dei-carroceiros-brasiliani  Report and stop horse violence by Brazilian carroceiros, horse-users
https://www.change.org/p/open-a-new-animal-shelter-in-woburn-ma  Woburn needs a new animal shelter to provide a safe haven for these animals and reduce the burden on existing facilities
https://www.change.org/p/cani-e-gatti-a-roma-ritirare-bando-di-gara-comunale-per-selezionare-le-strutture-private  Italy. Rome. Asking for the suspension of the current tender for dogs and cats and the necessary changes in placing animals exceeding the capacity of municipal dog pounds and catteries
https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-kodama  Saskatchewan, Canada. After calls to wildlife officials and spca and unable to reach anybody they decided after 2 hours of this young wolf playing around this Bible camp to put a lead on her and walk her off into the bush to be shot execution style. No calls to her owner Sky Phoenix
https://tinyurl.com/24nyrzut  Russia, Chekhov-3, justice for this dog, stabbed by the neighbour, jumped out the apartment and died because of blood loss!
https://tinyurl.com/yeysx4ud  Russia, Moscow, on Novokosinskaya Street, 24, building 1, a 16-year-old girl threw a Chihuahua dog from a balcony, presumably from the 5th floor. It died from it's injuries! 
https://tinyurl.com/h6pfhu87  Achieve punishment for those who film videos of animal torture
https://www.change.org/p/qu-une-enqu%C3%AAte-approfondie-soit-ouverte-sur-la-mort-de-mon-chat  France. Asking for a thorough investigation into the death of my cat
https://www.change.org/p/por-una-consejer%C3%ADa-de-bienestar-animal-para-el-cabildo-de-gran-canaria-ya  Create an Animal Welfare Department in the Cabildo of Gran Canaria Now!
https://www.change.org/p/abolire-o-limitare-la-caccia-a-poggio-torriana-e-vallata-del-marecchia  Abolish or limit hunting in Poggio Torriana and Vallata del Marecchia, Italy
https://www.change.org/p/pour-le-maintiens-de-la-fermeture-d%C3%A9finitive-du-centre-%C3%A9questre-de-ronchin-59  Real decline in the maintenance of this regional equestrian infrastructure, the Ronchin Equestrian Center, with a system of widespread and popular equine mistreatment where animal welfare is absolutely not respected
https://www.change.org/p/detengamos-la-persecuci%C3%B3n-a-propietarios-de-perros-en-barcelona  Stop the police persecution of dog owners in Barcelona, Spain, review current restrictions, improve and create more safe and suitable areas for dogs, stop issuing fines!
https://www.change.org/p/actopan-a-favor-de-la-preservaci%C3%B3n-de-la-mariposa-monarca  Mexico, Actopan. Act in favor of the preservation of the monarch butterfly
https://www.change.org/p/rdu-no-mas-unicel Requesting the authorities of Abasolo to encourage the use of alternatives to Styrofoam and to place containers for its correct disposal 
https://www.change.org/p/dile-no-a-la-pirotecnia-protejamos-a-nuestros-seres-queridos-y-al-medio-ambiente  Say No to fireworks! Spain, Martorell authorities consider safer and less disruptive alternatives to celebrate San Juan 
https://www.change.org/p/proibir-fogos-de-artif%C3%ADcios-e-assemelhados Protest against the use of Fireworks of any nature
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/601/439/775/animal-rights-istanbul-dog/  Islam's and the Quran's View of Animal Welfare
https://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/838/173/811/  Tell the Senate: Help Protect Bird Habitats from Forest Destruction!
45 farms certified by the RSPCA, virtually every farm in the Assured program was violating not just the RSPCA’s standards, but animal cruelty laws! 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Petitions and More, June 8


https://secure.peta.org.au/page/26639/petition/1  Urge Spain's New Prime Minister to End the Bloody Torture of Bulls!
https://www.rspca.org.au/key-issues/live-sheep-export/  Show the government you support the legislation - as we do - to end live sheep export for good
https://whe.salsalabs.org/2025burrobudget/index.html  US-info. BLM Wild Horse and Burro Budget Request: 2025
https://wildernesswatch.salsalabs.org/sonoran-desert-nm-grazing/index.html  Keep livestock out of Wilderness in the Sonoran Desert National Monument
https://secure.everyaction.com/BpDjS_xtHEeBijKyIBejAQ2  US-info. No Attacks on Endangered Species in Defense Funding Bill
https://act.oceana.org/page/140822/petition/1  If deep-sea mining is allowed, it would threaten to destroy deep-sea species and habitats
https://ourplanetisblue.org/de/ Human activities are increasingly threatening, damaging or destroying the marine world
https://www.change.org/p/schlie%C3%9Fung-des-schlachthauses-bochum-fleisch-wegen-tierqu%C3%A4lerei Germany. Close the Bochum meat slaughterhouse due to animal cruelty 
https://www.change.org/p/retirada-licencia-conductor-galeras-establos-de-los-horrores  Withdraw the licence
of the horses and stables of horror owner for violating regulations, ordinances and animal protection laws for years!
https://www.change.org/p/proibir-o-tr%C3%A1fico-de-animais  Brazil. Prohibit wildlife trafficking. Combat animal trafficking, thus protecting the planet's biological diversity and ensuring a sustainable future for future generations
https://www.change.org/p/weg-mit-der-neuen-rasseliste-f%C3%BCr-hunde-der-samtgemeinde-eschershausen-stadtoldendorf  Germany. Away with the new "breed list" for dogs in the Eschershausen-Stadtoldendorf municipality
https://www.change.org/p/cure-veterinarie-gratis-per-le-fasce-pi%C3%B9-deboli  For free veterinary care for the weakest groups 
https://www.change.org/p/no-a-los-carruajes-con-caballos-en-lima Peru. For a Lima with responsible tourism and free of animal and horse abuse 
https://www.change.org/p/eliminemos-el-uso-indiscriminado-de-pirotecnia-en-santiago-momoxpan  Let's eliminate the indiscriminate use of fireworks in Santiago Momoxpan, Mexico