Saturday, June 30, 2018

Petitions and More, June 30  Once more. China. Urgent, needs 3 Million signatures, a Joint Petition to Urge the HK Regional Committee of CPPCC to Ban Dog-and-Cat-Eating in China! Please scroll down to sign: name, email address, comments: to send (below the image) After that, this will appear: Public affiliation letter. Thank you for joining us. Please invite more people to join us. Http://  Send another response  -----------  Once more. S. Korea. Needs 200,000 signatures by July 17! Exclude dogs from livestock, cattle. Prohibit the cat meat trade (use Google translate) First, create a Naver account  (or use your Facebook or Twitter account)  and login! To sign the petition: scroll down 청원동의 (number), click on the box below the number of signatures, 명 access your Naver account (or Fb, or Twitter) type Agree and next click on the blue box 동의  (Title of the next message, confirmation, will be: Do you wonder about my precious petition, answer to the Blue House?)  ---------- Once more. Stop the Korean Dog and Cat Meat Trade! Retweets, HRes 401, scroll down please  Needs more participants! Embrace a Humane, Sustainable Future on the Range for Wild Horses and Burros US-info. Tell Zinke -- stop the assault on wildlife. Don't let trophy hunters bait wildlife and kill baby animals! While some Botox manufacturers are already using non-animal tests, Nestlé distributes preparations for which there is no approved animal-free test and thus increases the number of animal experiments. Send an email, copy/paste/alter the letter ! 1) Justice for Dog Mercilessly Tortured Until Her Nose Almost Fell Off! 2) Tell Mattel that Barbie Does Not Support Elephant Abuse  Germany, EU:  abolish animal transports and the unimaginable suffering caused by these transports! To confirm Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, create a Protocol of aid for (beached) Whales Padawan Municipal Council, Stop catching and killing our dogs and cats which are neutered and vaccinated against rabies too in Kuching!  End the cruel live export of animals at the ports of the State of São Paulo! France. Justice for our cat Leon, beaten to death with shovels! We demand to prohibit the activity of mobile zoos on the territory of the Republic of Belarus! Stop the destruction of the Albatros mangrove in Playa del Carmen, the  last mangrove in the area, the natural habitat of all kinds of birds, insects and animals typical of the region!
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1152290 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1149931 votes now. Every 24 hours------- 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See below:  CHANGED! PLEASE VOTE FOR NR 2 NOW !!! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2339971 Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   -------------- The Humane Society of the United States releases a new poll revealing that Alaskan voters strongly oppose cruel methods of killing iconic wildlife on National Preserves in Alaska


Friday, June 29, 2018

Petitions and More, June 29 Nagpur, India, is preparing for over 100,000 sheep and goats to be transported via Air to the deadly Middle Eastern summer! Let’s get to 1 Million signatures! Indonesian government, ban the horrific trade in dog meat and the slaughter of dogs for human consumption! Tell AirBridgeCargo Airlines to Adopt a Ban on Transporting Monkeys for Experimentation!
Needs more signatures! Advocating for more Marine Protected Areas  Farfetch, Stop Selling the Fur of Tormented Animals! France. Demanding to enforce the rights of animals, the right to live, but in no case a life of suffering! To confirm If not signed yet. (2017) Stop stealing and killing dogs in China! We need animal protection laws in China! Contact BLM Nevada State Director Mike Courtney: 775-861-6400, or email him at We want justice for the dog killed by Flavio G Barrios Arciniega in the Pemex Refinación Tuxpan Veracruz  (he killed before)  Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan. Legislatively prohibit the sending of racehorses to slaughter! For a neutering budget (for animals...)  in Fiorito Germany. We demand the closure now of dairy farmers like Arla foods because of animal cruelty! Demand Stronger Wildlife Trafficking Laws To Save Elephants Find this sadistic Coward Who Punched a Possum in the Face So Hard it Went Flying Through The Air! Cheetahs Don't Belong On A Leash. Ban The Cheetah Trade Today
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your RIGHT!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1139186 votes.
Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1137033 votes now. Every 24 hours------- 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See below:  CHANGED! PLEASE VOTE FOR NR 2 NOW !!! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2327440 Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   --------------  Scroll down please. “Washington DC Press Release: HR 1406 Passes in both the House and Senate Farm Bill”  Today the United States Senate overwhelmingly passed its version of the farm bill by a vote of 86-11 ! Scroll down to leave a thank you message!


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Petitions and More, June 28 Needs more signatures, 3 Million in total! After completion of the joint signature campaign, the contents will be sent to members of the Hong Kong Regional Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to promote the banning of dog-and-cat-eating on the Chinese Mainland, and for re-discussion of the "Animal Protection Ordinance" in the National People's Congress, which is already advocated by certain members of the National Committee of CPPCP and studied by universities Once again.  S. Korea President Moon Jae-in & Minister of Agriculture Kim Young-rok, we demand an end to the dog meat trade! Scroll down please. Retweets for HR1406 and HRes401  As well, more recent Demand the State University of New York (SUNY) College of Optometry release records about their research on Cats to CAARE, so we can all learn the truth about their experiments! Please Adopt a Ban on Transporting Non-Human Primates for Experimentation! Emaciated Horses Forced to Work in Havasu Canyon KFC Is Launching Vegetarian Fried Chicken – Let's Make Sure It's Vegan US-info. Oppose S. 2877 and H.R. 1349 and all attempts to amend and weaken the Wilderness Act to allow mountain bikes in Wilderness;jsessionid=00000000.app322b?p2asource=email US-info. Starvation is one of the greatest threats to the survival of Puget Sound’s iconic Southern Resident orca whales. Chinook salmon, the orcas’ main food source, have declined precipitously US-info. Tell Congress to Give Grizzly Bears Hope US-info. Tell Senators: No Anti-Grizzly Bear Budget Riders Air France, favor the NGO's/rescues for these monkeys and stop the transport to animal testing laboratories! To confirm France. If not signed yet. The fight against the abandonment of animals Send your personal message to protect Antarctica Very urgent! The University of Hohenheim plans to build another animal experiment facility. In addition to the 6,000 animals already listed, another up to 250 cattle, sheep, pigs and chickens are to be imprisoned there and misused for experiments "research for the sake of research", so to speak!  The cost of construction amounts to 54 million euros!  Botox manufacturers Allergan, Merz and Ipsen, develop non-toxin tests for bulk testing and provide sufficient funding. So that finally no animals have to suffer for Botox anymore! Protest!  Hon. Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, plans to close the Insular Animal Shelter, 400 animals, to the Public!  Adoptions will have to be done through photographs. These are living beings, not goods! And 400 photo’s ? Hard to believe... Mayor of Valdagno: Issue a regulation on the use of animals belonging to wild and exotic species in shows and other entertainment based solely on compliance with the 2006 CITES regulations; which prohibits the amendment in case the spaces available to the animals do not correspond to the minimum measures required and / or do not comply with the legal requirements and the present ordinance Tell the Dirty Dozen banks not to fund pipelines that threaten our water Demand that the State of New Mexico stop damming river water which flows to the Rio Grande in the city of El Paso, Texas Urge MD DNR: Don't Dredge Man-O-War Shoal
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your Right!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1131342 votes Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1129168 votes now. Every 24 hours------- 
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  CHANGED! PLEASE VOTE FOR NR 2 NOW !!! China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 2 ! , now circa 2319481 Zhu Lieyu: Maltreatment of animals recommended for penalties for public security administration . Every 24 hours   --------------


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Petitions and More, June 27 Once again! S. Korea. Exclude dogs from the livestock list; create laws to ban the dog and cat consumption; transfer animal welfare administration to the Ministry of Environment! S. Korea. End Dog and Cat Consumption by Stopping Illegal Slaughter! Sign in to your (Naver etc.) account first and type agree, click on the blue box afterwards US-info. If not signed (a personalized message) yet. BLM Targets Wyoming Wild Horses  Copy/paste (personalize) to send your message: We call for an Immediate Cessation of the Removal of Brumbies from Victoria’s National Parks, Australia! HR 6119 Alert! To remove the Red Wolf from the list of endangered and threatened Wildlife for North Carolina, and for other purposes! Please write a short message  to the House Committee on Natural Resources. Ask the members to NOT support H.R. 6119, introduced by Representative David Rouzer (R-NC)!  -------------- In a sickening “family” event in South Waikato, NZ, children as young as 3 years old will be rewarded for participating in a barbaric killing spree. No animal deemed a “pest” will be safe as kids slaughter rabbits, goats, magpies, possums and more!  US-info. Take Action to Keep the Gila Wild Turkey. Governor of Isparta : ban News 32, we are faced with a lot of untrue news that ignores the life rights of animals and encourages hatred towards stray animals, news that is not generic and does not conform to the principles of journalism!  Italy. Protest! The Autonomous Province of Trento and the Bolzano Province presented two twin bills, for self-entrusting the possibility of deciding in complete autonomy on the killing of Wolves and Bears. We ask the new Minister for the Environment to take action to ensure that the bill is withdrawn and to continue the prevention and protection activities provided for by the European Directive! Russia. Surgut:  Legislatively prohibit the killing of neglected animals (dogs and cats), unless the animal is terminally ill; create a special office for humanely controlled regulation according to the European Convention for the Protection of Pets. (No. 125 of the Series of European Treaties); adoption; neutering; prohibit the use of the drug that is used to put them to sleep, as it causes a painful death from suffocation after prolonged agony; forbid carrying out experiments on these animals Russia. Astrakhan. Stop the killing of animals now, this timid dog was shot in front of children Indonesia. Apply the Law against torture, Dec. 30, 2017 shows via instagram @tyoaquinopega, full name Tyo Aquino Pega, the video of the burning process of the dog who was the victim of his brutality, to eat while laughing! France. Stop the expansion of the chicken farm factory to 200 000 hens in Lescout 81 Turkey. We want to get severe punishment for this murderer who contributed to a lot of killing of animals in live broadcast and shared it on social media as a demonstration Russia. Close the ‘Bird market’ where animals are suffering; stop animal cruelty Russia. Odessa. Close this chlorinated prison called dolphinarium Russia. Other countries adopted 'On Responsible Treatment of Animals', what about Russia?  ........... Legislatively prohibit the testing of cosmetics on animals around the world   .......... I demand that the waters of the Limazal River near Barrancabermeja be purified and  the soulless people who are destroying the flora and fauna of Santander be sanctioned Spain. Catalonia. No more protechnics in Girona
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your Right!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1119031 votes Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1117358 votes now. Every 24 hours-------  China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 3, now circa 2205314 
votes. Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals is recommended to be included in public security management punishment! Every 24 hours   --------------


Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Petitions and More, June 26 Alarming deforestation plans in the heart of Selous; Tanzania announced plans to harvest 143,638 ha in the Selous Game Reserve along the Rufiji River, an important habitat for some iconic mammals such as the black rhinoceros! US-info. Protect sea lions by voting no tomorrow on H.R. 2083, the Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act! Help Protect Threatened Yaak Grizzlies From a Disastrous “Hiker Highway”, With only 20 or so remaining grizzlies, including possibly less than 5 reproducing females, the Yaak’s grizzly bears in Northwest Montana are facing imminent extinction! France. Urgent! Prohibit the illegal 'Novilladas' (torture and killing of 12 young bulls, including 6 to be tortured by beginners) on Sunday, July 8, 2018 in Tarascon  (Bouches du Rhône)! To confirm US-info. Tell your senators to keep the U.S. Farm Bill clean Strong leadership by defending the MSA and opposing H.R. 200, so that we have healthy fish populations for generations to come Spain. Urging the reform of the Penal Code that implies: 1. The increase in penalties for animal abuse of Arts. 337 and 337 bis 2. The creation of a specific offense for the mistreatment of animals confined in farms, breeding facilities, on ships or similar with a prison sentence of not less than 2 years Russia. Moscow region. For a shelter for homeless animals; let's become a civilized society and state. What happens with homeless animals is a violation of laws and universal norms. Stop the tenders for the shooting and destruction of dogs and cats; engage in sterilization, vaccination, treatment and care of stray animals, allocate the funds for the purchase of medicines and food! Justice for Olga, tortured and killed by her ‘owners’! Delta Airlines Bans Pit Bull Service and Support Dogs Katina the Orca's Fin Looks as if It Is About to Fall Off, Yet SeaWorld Forces Her to Perform Everyday Why Did This Animal Trainer Put Lipstick on a Whale
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your Right!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1111247 votes Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1109608 votes now. Every 24 hours-------  China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 3, now circa 2205309 votes. Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals is recommended to be included in public security management punishment! Every 24 hours   -------------- Update, 70 Slaughterhouse dogs to be rescued from the butchers. The balance stood at $3300 and has now come right down to $280. All the money should be cleared by tomorrow night (Wednesday), and the last amount withdrawn the following morning when the dogs can be delivered (Thursday).


Monday, June 25, 2018

Petitions and More, June 25  Once more, please share as well! Korean activists against dog and cat meat cruelty have started a petition campaign through South Korea’s official government petition site  Urgent! Retweets, PLS #Cosponsor  #HR1406  #TheDogCatMeatTradeProhibitionAct of 2017 in the #2018 Senate Farm Bill #Prohibiting The #Slaughter #Sale Of #DogsAndCats ! Cosponsor HRes401! Action alert: We are 3 Cosponsors short for a majority in the House of Reps on the SAFE ACT to Ban Horse Slaughter! Please Retweet to key Representatives HSUS is recommending we contact! US-info. Urgent! Senator, please ensure the Farm Bill includes key animal protection measures and excludes Rep. Steve King's dangerous legislation! Once again. US-info. Tell Congress: Pass the KITTEN Act to end tax-funded cat abuse! US-info. Urge your state to oppose wildlife killing contests  And take action (US) for Oregon’s Wolves More signatures please. The Netherlands. Sick and injured pigs are often left to their fate. That is legally forbidden and unacceptable. I demand that sick pigs receive the care they need! First, last name, (telephone), email, ‘verstuur’(send) Once more: PepsiCo: No loopholes for Conflict Palm Oil ZIP=5 digits. Say No To Pebble Project And Protect Bristol Bay. Pesonalize please If not signed yet: end the breeding of rabbits in cages Against the industrial chicken farm project in Haillot, France. To confirm Confirm you will not provide financial support for any dirty tar sands pipelines and Energy Transfer Partners, the company that built the Dakota Access Pipeline Edouard Philippe, French Prime Minister, travels this week to China to sign contracts, during the atrocious "Yulin Festival" where thousands of dogs and cats will die tortured, for their meat. Ask him to condemn this massacre with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang Russia. Prohibit the mass killings of stray animals for the World Cup and introduce the alternatives mentioned below! Russia. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, is a liar, covers the murders of homeless animals Russia. Prohibit the (temporary detention and) killing of animals in Russia Sri Lanka. Please take action, our Leopards, Wildlife should not be killed like this! Chile. The silent extermination in Patagonia! Investigate all wildlife killings, do not let this go unpunished!   Turkey, we need an Animal Police Department, the abuse, killing, poisoning, it just doesn’t stop, nor does the breeding! Spain. Support the Law on the protection of children concerning bullfighting in the Community of Madrid Grant custody of Leben, his dog, to Jon Amad  Mexico. Investigate the catastrophic state of the El Tunal river course in Durango, Dgo Stop the Thrill-Killing of Alaska's Wildlife! More signatures please! Trump's put Yellowstone's grizzlies in the crosshairs of trophy hunters! Needs more signatures! Take a Stand to Protect Alaska's Bears and Wolves! As well!
                                                              ==========   News and more  =========  China. First click on the Upper Box at your Right!  Vote for Nr 1 and now Nr 2  ! ( Nr. 1: NPC deputies suggested that legislation strictly defines and punishes the abuse of animals. Now circa 1101855 votes Nr. 2:  NPC deputy Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals has become increasingly fierce. Suggested punishment. Circa 1100051 votes now. Every 24 hours-------  China. Takes a while. Drag it up while clicking on the red hand or grey lining, to the Second page! Vote for Nr. 3, now circa 2205304 votes. Zhu Lieyu: The abuse of animals is recommended to be included in public security management punishment! Every 24 hours   --------------  Just click on ‘No’!  Community and environmental activists met in Stratford yesterday to discuss the Victorian Government's plan to cull 1200 wild horses from the Alpine region. Do you support the Government's planned cull? Ended with 79% ‘No!’ China rescues, 70 dogs total $4765 The new balance is now $3300 needed. There is 3 days left to pay this remaining balance ..all the other dogs were weighed and we can show those clips in the next posts The sound of animals : back from the dog meat hell in Thailand and Cambodia
