Friday, June 30, 2017

Mauritius has to stop trading in monkeys for archaic animal experiments!

Thomas Cook Touristik GmbH
Isabella Partasides
Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation
TUI Deutschland GmbH
Michael Röll
Leiter Konzernkommunikation
Alltours Flugreisen GmbH
Alexandra Hoffmann
Referentin Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Der Touristik GmbH
Tobias Jüngert
Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation   
To: ; ; ; ,
Subject: Ferieninsel Mauritius muss Handel mit Affen für archaischen Tierversuchen beenden!
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich bin entsetzt, zu erfahren, dass Mauritius immer noch Fang, Zucht und Export von Tausenden von Affen erlaubt. Verdeckt gemachte Aufnahmen zeigen den grausamen Umgang mit den Tieren. Anstatt diese Praktiken sowie Tierversuche zu unterbinden, hat die Regierung auch noch ein Gesetz auf den Weg gebracht, das jetzt die Ansiedlung von Tierversuchslaboren auf der Insel ermöglichen soll.
In Europa und überall in der Welt mehren sich die Bedenken gegenüber Tierversuchen an Primaten. Es ist absolut inakzeptabel, dass eine Urlaubsinsel wie Mauritius, die mit ihrer Natur und Tierwelt wirbt, Affenexperimente fördert.
Abgesehen von den ethischen Erwägungen sind Tierversuche generell mehr als fragwürdig, da aufgrund der wesentlichen biologischen Unterschiede zwischen Tier und Mensch die Ergebnisse nicht übertragen werden können.
Sie als Reiseveranstalter haben – wie auch wir Touristen - einen großen Einfluss auf die Regierung der Urlaubsländer. Mauritius ist auf den Tourismus dringend angewiesen, da er für den Hauptteil des wirtschaftlichen Gewinnes verantwortlich ist.
Ich bitte Sie deshalb nachdrücklich, sich bei der Regierung von Mauritius dafür einzusetzen, anstelle von archaischen Tierversuchen, tierversuchsfreie Technologien zu fördern. Zucht und Handel mit Affen fürs Tierversuchslabor müssen gestoppt und die gefangenen Affen in die Freiheit entlassen werden. Die Ansiedlung von Tierversuchslaboren auf der „grünen“ Urlaubsinsel muss gestoppt werden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
----------------------   Google translation:
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am horrified to learn that Mauritius still allows catch, breeding and exporting of thousands of monkeys. Concealed pictures show the cruel handling of the animals. Instead of forcing these practices as well as animal experiments, the government has also set up a law which will now allow the establishment of animal experimentation laboratories on the island.
In Europe and around the world, there are growing concerns about animal experiments on primates. It is absolutely unacceptable that a holiday island like Mauritius, with its nature and animal world, promotes affine experiments.
Apart from the ethical considerations, animal experiments are generally more than questionable because the results can not be transferred due to the essential biological differences between animal and human being.
As tour operators, as we tourists, they have a great influence on the government of the holidaymakers. Mauritius is strongly dependent on tourism as it is responsible for the bulk of the economic gain.
I therefore urge you to work with the Mauritian Government to promote animal-free technologies instead of archaic animal experiments. Breeding and trafficking with monkeys for the animal experiment lab must be stopped and the captured monkeys released into freedom. The settlement of animal experiments laboratories on the "green" holiday island must be stopped.

Best regards

Petitions and More, June 30  US-info. Three actions 1) S 503 and HR 1368, the Animal Welfare Accountability and Transparency Act 2) HR 816, the Federal Accountability in Chemical Testing Act 3) S 498 and HR 1243, the Battlefield Excellence through Superior Training Practices Act (BEST Practices Act) Mini tweetstorm to stop brutal live export slaughter pipeline of 100,000+ horses annually to Canada & Mexico. We have had enough! Pass new SAFE Act #HR113 2017! Retweet Once more, ask these key legislators to Stand With Our Wild Bands and support humane management and protection of America's wild horses. Start by tweeting at any or all of them by clicking below ZIP=5 digits. If not signed yet. Tell Congress to oppose budget proposals that threaten wild horses! ZIP=5 digits. If not signed yet. End horse slaughter, protect human health: Pass the SAFE Act For a Ban on Greyhound Racing! US-info. Let Legislators Know You Support the ESA and Oppose Cuts in Funding for Imperiled Species France. Hénaff, stop confinement of pigs in cages, stop mutilations! US-info. Urge your Congressperson to keep fighting to stop Asian Carp from invading the Great Lakes US-info. Support the Save Our Seas Act. S.756 introduced in the Senate, and a companion bill, introduced in the House, H.R.2748! US-info. Make a public comment to protect national monuments from Trump US-info. Oppose Wind Energy Development in Great Lakes Region Stop Adani’s giant reef-wrecking coal mine and failing on climate change Argentina. Punishment for the irresponsible owners who left their dog to die in the Agusanado street, Buenos Aires,  Florencio Varela Spain. Change the law that prohibits breaking the glass of a car to remove any animal Spain. Requesting modification for bullfights: no death or torture of the bull; prohibition of the use of utensils that damage the bull and only allow the use of the cloak Pass a law that prohibits mistreatment and abuse of animals, horses. That includes releasing animals used for cargo, province of Formosa, Argentina Spain. Environmental justice for the ecological disaster occurred in the Guadalquivir (Córdoba) Germany. Save the trees at the Ludwigsplatz, Alsfeld: look for another solution for heavy transport! Keep the world's dirtiest fuel out of Arctic waters No official target. Stop the long and cruel death of thousands of animals for cosmetic products that Nestlé distributes!
             ==========   News and more   ========= Therapy could stop superbugs on farms


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Petitions and More, June 29  Japanese housing and condominium companies, stop buying the wood products that are driving the destruction of Sarawak’s forests Republic of Saint Paul La Réunion. Angel, 6 months, died from starvation and dehydration. To confirm France. We need an extensive sterilization campaigne for cats at Foug (54) US. To make a call. Tell TIAA: Stop funding rainforest destruction! Protect the Grand Canyon from Uranium Mining
Lutherstadt Eisleben, Mayor Jutta Fischer: help animals, we urge you to immediately enforce a regulation on the sustainable protection of cats! Brazil. Justice for Aline, paraplegic dog adopted by the Bonfanti Bueno family in October 2016, euthanized without reason! Spain. Against the 2 bullfights to be organized in Bailen! Spain. Protest against a quartz and feldspar mine at the entrance of the road leading to Felipa, Casas Nuevas, next to the garita in Los Gigantes. No update yet
"Las Laderas," Albuquerque, must be kept in its natural state Quebec Might Want To Kill Your Dog Tell the Solomon Islands to Ban Logging Old Growth Forests to Save its Unique Wildlife from Extinction Save Water for People, Birds, and Wildlife Help save dog walking in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area .....
       ========  News and more   ========  'Even John (Dalley of SoiDog) had to admit, if you are brave enough to venture into the darkness. If you can capture the videos and images – that will be the way to end it.'   ..........


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Petitions and More, June 28 President Moon Jae-In, South Korean government: Please protect all dogs and cats from the cruel dog meat industry! More actions, Ongoing Virtual Worldwide Celebrity Appeal Stop This Evil Trade US-info. Urgent. BLM Moves to Slaughter America's Mustangs: Tell Congress, #NoHorseSlaughter Email , Earl B Taylor, District Attorney St. Landry Parish,  to request full charges, prosecution as well as fines and demand he never be allowed to own or be around animals again. He tortured Dr Drip to death! University of Houston-Clear Lake Starving Animals in Labs! Coca-Cola, end your sponsorship of this abusive Iditarod race in which dogs are run to their deaths! End Ivory Sales On Rakuten’s Platform  Stop industrial dairy expansion, we must end public funding of irrigation schemes like the Ruataniwha Dam and Central Plains Water Scheme  Needs more attention. Create an Animal Police Force in Flanders, Belgium. To confirm Once more. ZIP=5 digits. Please Protect National Monuments;jsessionid=00000000.app322b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1974 US-info. Needs more sign.  Federal Coal Lease Modifications COC-1362 & COC-67232 #32459 US-info. Vote No on the Green Investor Gag Rule in H.R. 10 Stop Megafusions - limit the power of the group! Spain. Reconsider the penalties for pyromaniacs, consider it as a crime of terrorism! Spain. Sabadell. Adopt measures to protect people and animals from the indiscriminate use of firecrackers in celebrations and festivals Find The Person Who Sexually Abused Huggles the Dog A roadside zoo in Virginia has bears out in the sweltering heat with empty water troughs and no way to cool down Urgent. Defend Papahānaumokuākea: The world's largest ocean refuge McDonald's, stop using straws and start saving wildlife
             =========   News and more   =========


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Petitions and More, June 27  POBox possible. ZIP=5 digits. Prevent the Slaughter of Dogs and Cats for Human Consumption in the US!  The British government must hold Hogwood accountable for its wrongdoings towards pigs and stop sweeping animal cruelty and abuse under the carpet! Elephant skin for China! Stop perverse poaching! Xi Jinping will arrive on July 7th and 8th at the G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. We want to "welcome" him with as many signatures as possible! ZIP=5 digits. Defend Our Wildlife From the Search for Atlantic Oil! ZIP=5 digits. Secretary of the Interior Zinke, protect these national monuments as they are currently designated! No fossil fuel development in the Marianas Trench! Netherlands. Stop the deliberate illegal  deformations of French Bulldogs by breeders! If you did not post a messages yet. Stop the dog meat trade in Bali! France. Support the Mayor of Fontoy who forbids pesticides killing bees (neonicotinoids) on his commune! To confirm US-info. Stop the Rollback on New Mexico’s National Monuments  Pobox as well, ZIP=5 digits. Congress: Support the Saving America's Pollinators Act! Italy. Rome. NO to Animal Experiments at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome! Brazil.  Council of São Leopoldo. Take action, no more starved, abused, dead horses, investigate! Italy. Council of Ministers of Health, approve a law that allows veterinarians to be approved by the USL, to care for stray animals, cats, and wildlife Turkey. The dog massacre still continues in the Yalova Dogpound!  Patron Saint festivities held with public money, in Motilla del Palancar (Cuenca), allowing severe animal abuse, free tickets for minors to participate, this year torturing a heifer outside the bullring bypassing all the legal regulations! Regina Belcher’s ‘reason to sign’ should be discarded, it’s negatively inciting others and very damaging to any support for the Chinese activists and the rescued animals!  It’s correct to demand clarification, but her text is incorrect, as if Marc Ching was the real hero here, which is not true either ( ) The same goes for the comment of Jemma Meecham, should be reported too! Brazil. Rei do Mate, publicly commit to a policy of no longer allowing the use of eggs from caged hens in all of your products France. Support needed against the complaining neighbours, asking for anti-bark collars for the dogs ..... Stop the barbaric killing of helpless dogs. Awareness Hold a Pet Care facility accountable for all negligence in their hands Defend Our Wildlife From the Search for Atlantic Oil
              =======   News and more    =========  H.Res.401 - Urging China, South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, India, and all nations to outlaw the dog and cat meat trade and to enforce existing laws against the trade!  Found and rescued before the abuse turned deadly!


Monday, June 26, 2017

Petitions and More, June 26 Support Frédéric Fromet in his right on freedom of expression, anti-bullfighting; to confirm Brazil. Ensure immediately that your government upholds Brazilian and international law and protects the lands of indigenous peoples nationwide! 
Mexico. Punishment for those who "forgot" that their pet Samira felt hungry and thirsty in the heat! Spain. Medio Cudeyo and the Government of Cantabria: investigate the severe abuse of this dog, found in a bag, in the trash container, still alive! Spain, Carlet, Valencia: create a municipal Animal Protection Dep. according to the wishes of the citizens, sterilize and make adoption possible! Turkey. Yalova . Punish those responsible for the poisoning, raping and killing in the dogpound and replace the staff! France.  Appoint a Minister for the Rights of Animals and Animal Welfare Spain. Requesting a sterilization program for the cats in the parks of the Benito Juárez CDMX! Facebook, allow us to receive donations for Puri Spain. Valmojado. No more barbarities with young Calves, used for bullfights, to humiliate and torture, as they did last year! Spain. Onda Cero Bilbao, program animal rights "Like the dog and the cat", do Not omit Bulls!  United against bullfighting, No to charging with contempt (jailtime) Peter Janssen for jumping into the bullfighting arena's in protest! Spain. Natural Park of Doñana, Aznalcóllar. We demand requalification of the burned land, immediate repopulation, and no storage of natural gas! Time Is Running Out. Take Action Now To Protect Our National Monuments! Make a public comment to protect national monuments from Trump! Protect the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
            =========  News and more    ========= Help Qi Ge, Zhao Xinqi, from Beijing China; Zhao (family name), Xinqi (first name), Swift ABOCCBBJ010, Sort Code 622840018610404073, Yufa Town, Beijing, Daxing 102602, China (use Google translate)
----------------------------------------- The U.S. wildlife official who led the delisting effort is the former chief lobbyist for a trophy hunting club!