Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Olympic Committee: Take a stand in Pyeongchang 2018 against the dog meat trade!


National Olympic Committee in:
Burkina Faso,
Cape verde,
Central African Republic,
Democratic Rep. of Kongo,
Dear Sir, Madam, to whom it concerns:
PyeongChang, South Korea, is set to play the host for the 2018 Winter Olympics.
An international gathering of elite athletes, sports fans, governments and businesses on such a grand scale is a unique platform for taking a meaningful stand against the widely condemned, barbaric and inhumane dog and cat meat trade in South Korea.
We know you are busy preparing for this epic sporting event. 
However, we urge you to spare just a few minutes of your time to watch this video, as fellow people with compassion for animals, whether they are raised for our consumption or as our companions, working partners and guardians, we know you will agree that the current practice and attitude of those involved in this medieval industry is completely unacceptable and abhorrent. 
No living being deserves such a torturous existence. 
Forced to endure the most extreme deprivation and unimaginable torment from the moment they are born until the day they are brutally slaughtered; dogs (our best friends) are battery farmed - imprisoned in cramped, rusty, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme elements. 
They have no access to water, exercise, or medical care.
Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking. Until, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten skinned or burnt alive in the ignorant belief that such suffering will improve their taste. 
Could you imagine this happening to your best friend?
This industry is by no means small scale, thousands upon thousands of dogs are factory farmed in this way every day, there is no emphasis on even the most basic and cheapest humane farming methods in this operation. 
This trade has no basis in promoting "culture" or tradition of the Korean people,  it is purely driven by greed and the profits that can be made in this severely under-regulated, tax free sector which in itself is highly unsanitary and a severe risk to both human and animal health.
Please do not look the other way, please do not see this issue as a 'cultural difference', we urge you to look at this issue with unbridled compassion and to use whatever means or methods you can to add your voice to the many already calling for change in south Korea.
We urge you to add your voice to social media and other campaigns.  Please use this unique opportunity to help change the lives of so many dogs and cats condemned to a life in the meat trade.
If South Korea knows the world is watching and is asking for change, and if South Korea wants to be respected as a nation of conscience, South Koreans need to strengthen their abysmal and outdated animal welfare laws and permanently ban dog and cat consumption. 
Please help us to bring about this change!
Yours sincerely:
Comite National Olympique et des Sports,
Monsieur, Madame, à qui il s'agit:
Pyeongchang, Corée du Sud, se prépare à accueillir les Jeux Olympiques d’Hiver 2018.
Un rassemblement international d’athlètes d’élite, d’amateurs de sports, d’industries et de représentants gouvernementaux sur une telle échelle que cet évènement constitue une opportunité unique pour prendre une position significative contre le commerce de la viande de chien et de chat qui est largement condamné et reconnue comme une pratique barbare.
Nous savons que vous êtes maintenant très occupés à la préparation de cet évènement sportif d’un intérêt mondial.
Nous vous demandons, cependant, de bien vouloir partager quelques minutes de votre temps afin de regarder cette vidéo.
En tant que personnes ayant de la compassion pour les animaux, qu’ils soient élevés pour la consommation humaine, ou bien comme compagnons, partenaires de travail ou gardiens, nous sommes certains que vous êtes d’accord sur le fait que les pratiques courantes et les attitudes de ceux engagés dans une industrie médiévale sont totalement inacceptables et odieuses.
Aucun être vivant ne mérite une existence de torture. Forcés de subir un extrême privation et un tourment inimaginable, du jour de leur naissance jusqu’au jour où ils sont brutalement tués ; ces chiens, fidèles amis de l’homme, sont élevés en batteries – emprisonnés dans des cages surpeuplées, rouillées, ouvertes aux intempéries et aux températures extrêmes sans aucune protection. Ils n’ont pas d’eau, n’ont aucun exercice et ne reçoivent aucune aide médicale. Leurs tympans sont souvent percés pour les empêcher d’aboyer. Jusqu’au moment où, souvent devant les autres chiens, ils sont électrocutés, pendus, battus, dépecés ou brûlés vivants. Et tout cela au nom d’une croyance non-fondée que cette souffrance améliore le goût de la viande.
Pouvez-vous, pour un instant, imaginez cette torture infligée à votre meilleur ami ?
Cette industrie n’est en aucun cas une petite industrie ; des milliers et des milliers de chiens sont élevés en batteries chaque jour. Il n’y a aucun accent sur des méthodes d’élevage même les plus humainement élémentaires et non coûteuses.
Ce commerce n’a de base ni ‘culturel’ ni de ‘tradition’ coréenne ; il est purement et simplement poussé par l’avidité et les profits générés par ce secteur sérieusement sous-réglementé, échappant aux impôts, extrêmement insalubre et posant un risque très sérieux à la santé humaine et animale.
S’il vous plaît, ne tournez pas la tête de l’autre côté ; s’il vous plaît ne voyez pas ce problème comme une ‘différence culturelle’. Nous vous implorons de regarder ce problème avec une compassion sans limite et d’utiliser tous les moyens et toutes les méthodes que vous jugerez nécéssaires pour ajouter votre voix à celles déjà nombreuses demandant des changements en Corée du Sud. Cette pétition est seulement le début et nous vous demandons d’ajouter votre voix sur les médias sociaux et de joindre les campagnes d’action contre ce commerce.
S’il vous plaît, utilisez cette opportunité unique pour aider à changer les vies de tant de chiens et de chats condamnés à vivre dans ce cruel commerce. Si la Corée du Sud se sait regardée par le monde qui demande des changements, et si la Corée du Sud veut être respectée en tant que nation ayant une conscience, il lui faut renforcer ses lois sur la protection des animaux, pour le moment épouvantables et arriérées, et bannir de façon permanente la consommation de viande de chien et de chat.
Merci de nous aider à provoquer ce changement.

Petitions and More, January 31

https://twitter.com/stopdogcattrade   Tweet sheets, once more
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/jument-ninfa-cazaux/27637 France. Find and arrest the killers of our mare Ninfa de Cazaux, St Romain le Preux, in the town of Les Chollets 89116. To confirm
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/sterilisation-chats-errants-montelimar/27518  Town hall, agree to start with the sterilization program of stray cats in Montélimar
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/quissac-aux-corridas-novilladas-autres/27604 Needs more signatures. Quissac: No to any kind of bullfights
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/module-ethique-animale-programme-ecoles/27587 Create an "animal ethics" module in the lessons at schools
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/saucisson-ane-port-louis/27596 Against the slaughter of this donkey, Bourriquet, in Port Louis
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/jeune-jack-russel-ayant-mordu-enfant/27590 Let the Jack Russel live, clemency for this young dog who has apparently done nothing before
http://www.mesopinions.com/petition/animaux/mous-voulons-retour-trente-millions-amis/27692 We want the return of 30 million friends on France 3 TV channel
http://www.cyberacteurs.org/cyberactions/faut-pas-prendre-oies-sauvages-enfa-1283.html   Protest. France allowes the continuation of hunting weakened Geese;  this is in defiance of regulations
https://secure3.convio.net/gyc/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=00000000.app303a?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=545  ZIP=5 digits. Support the timeout on mining on public lands in the Paradise Valley, near Yellowstone National Park
https://www.campact.de/trumps-pipeline/appell/teilnehmen/ Bavarian State Bank, stop financing the oil pipeline in North Dakota
https://secure.earthjustice.org/site/Advocacy;jsessionid=00000000.app30103b?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1942 US-info. Protest the evisceration of clean air and water protections; oppose the use of the Congressional Review Act which would have long-term anti-democratic consequences
https://www.change.org/p/tbb-tekirdag-bel-tr-tekirda%C4%9F-muratl%C4%B1-daki-hayvan-katliamlar%C4%B1n%C4%B1n-faillerinin-bulunmas%C4%B1n%C4%B1-istiyoruz  Turkey. Tekirdağ Muratlı'da. Find (and arrest) those responsible for the (cats and dogs) animal massacres on January 28, 2017 inTekirdağ's Muratlı district
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-torremolinos-ayuntamiento-de-torremolinos-quiten-la-multa-de-250eu-a-una-cuidadora-de-gatos  Spain. Remove the fine of 250,- euro's for feeding a cat colony, controlled and cared for by Maria Morillo, in Torremolinos
https://www.change.org/p/orman-ve-su-i%C5%9Fleri-bakanl%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1-yavru-k%C3%B6pekleri-%C3%B6ld%C3%BCrenler-cezaland%C4%B1r%C4%B1ls%C4%B1n  Turkey. Punish those from the animal collection teams of Ankara Çankaya Municipality for killing puppies
https://www.change.org/p/maneka-gandhi-no-more-50  India, update the existing laws against animal cruelty
https://www.change.org/p/insta-dybhayvan-dostlari-k%C3%BCrk-vah%C5%9Feti-t%C3%BCm-t%C3%BCrkiye-de-yasaklansin Turkey. Ban fur sales in Turkey, esp. from Ipekyol, Russian wear, Beymen and Network Online
https://www.change.org/p/sauvons-la-zone-humide-de-la-bassee  France. Save the Bassed wetlands from destruction, do not allow shipping transports between Nogent-sur-Seine and Bray-sur-Seine of 1000 and 2500 tons weight
             ========   News and more  ==========


Monday, January 30, 2017

Rome NY, Friendship city to Daegu Suseong District in S. Korea

From:  http://koreandogs.org/friendship-city-campaign-daegu-suseong-district-south-korea-rome-new-york/   Open this link please for more actions to take, and another sample letter


Dear Mayor Izzo,
Dear Common Council members:

Daegu Suseong District became Friendship city with Rome NY in 2008.
Dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that district, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law because of the barbaric ways in which this takes place– but the laws are not enforced.
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress.

For your information:
And  the petition:
These creatures cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your city wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue, and not want to be affiliated with a district where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Daegu Suseong District, Mayor Jin-Hoon Lee, to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this hideous and so often concealed subject, thank you.

Yolo County, Friendship city with Daejeon Yuseong District, S. Korea

From: http://koreandogs.org/friendship-city-campaign-daejeon-yuseong-district-south-korea-yolo-county-california/  Example letter to email. And /or call, post a letter, use Fb or Twitter!
Subject: Daejeon Yuseong District, S. Korea, Friendship city with Yolo County

Dear Chairman Chamberlain,
Members of the Board of Supervisors:
Daejeon Yuseong District became Friendship city with Yolo County in 2015.
Dog-meat consumption is currently being practiced in that district, regardless of the fact that it is illegal under South Korean Law because of the barbaric ways in which this takes place– but the laws are not enforced.
The dog and cat meat trades involve extreme and widespread animal cruelty, and the animals suffer unimaginable pain and distress.
For your information:
And  the petition:
These creatures cannot speak for themselves which is why I am writing on their behalf.
I believe that your county wishes to be made aware of this ongoing issue, and not want to be affiliated with a district where illegal and immoral torture is being carried out on any animal, and particularly not on those that are loyal, trusting and sentient creatures, which look up to us humans as being their guardians.
These illegal trades are still being allowed to continue by Korean authorities – even though there is a large growing opposition from pet owners across South Korea, and throughout the world.
So, I am asking you to please speak with your counterparts in Daejeon Yuseong District, especially Mayor Tae-Jeong Heo, to urge them to enforce their own laws, not ignore them, and to show compassion towards their companion animals, and respect to their own citizens, by bringing these brutal trades finally to an end!
With the Winter Olympics coming up in 2018, this is the time to make change; this is the time to stop the illegal, inhumane and unnecessary cruelty.
I know that South Korea has many beautiful, admirable and noble practices and customs worth preserving, but this is not one of them.
Thank you for your time and understanding.
Please let me know how you feel about this hideous and so often concealed subject, thank you.

Petitions and More, January 30

https://petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-718 Minister of Justice, Canada, address the significant social issue of animal cruelty by immediately conducting a review of the animal cruelty provisions in the Criminal Code. Validate signature please
http://action.peta.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=5&ea.campaign.id=62008 UK Government: Protect Monkeys Used in Neuroscience Experiments
http://www.caareusa.org/ujoin_petition Stop funding these cruel experiments on monkeys at Duke and Yale Universities and shift all Simons Foundation funding to human-centered, non-animal research
https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/verbot-der-sinnlosen-fuchsjagd-nie-mehr-fuchswochen-im-kreis-giessen Germany. Urgent. Needs many more signatures! Ban on the senseless fox hunt - Never more "fox weeks" in the district of Giessen! Confirm please
https://secure2.convio.net/ida/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=3007 Protest against the release of 198 doves as props during the Rose Parade
http://act.alaskawild.org/sign/2017Refuge_cos/ If not signed yet. Help launch a powerful Refuge Wilderness Bill
https://environmentnewjersey.webaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=20052 ZIP=5 digits. Please stand up for the Arctic and reject Senate Bill 49, the Alaska Oil and Gas Production Act
https://environmental-action.webaction.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=20033 ZIP=5 digits.  Protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness
https://act.credoaction.com/sign/dapl_comments ZIP=5 digits. Stop Trump from building the Dakota Access pipeline. #NoDAPL
https://www.change.org/p/ayuntamiento-de-abolici%C3%B3n-fiesta-las-luminarias  Spain. Abolish the horrible fire event with horses, held in San Bartolomé de Pinares
https://www.change.org/p/ministero-dell-ambiente-no-all-abbattimento-selettivo-del-lupo Italy. Protest against the ‘estimated’ killing of Wolves
https://www.change.org/p/presidente-della-conferenza-delle-regioni-e-delle-province-autonome-stefano-bonaccini-salviamo-il-lupo-italiano Italy. Do not allow the cull of ‘5% of the Italian Wolves’, their numbers are not known; increase penalties for poachers, those who commit crimes and strengthen supervision even with the use of voluntary associations. Timely complete compensation for damages suffered by the farmers
https://www.change.org/p/polizia-carabinieri-istituzioni-fermiamo-questo-individuo-e-i-suoi-compari Italy. Calling upon the police to stop this sadistic individual and compagnons who slaughtered a sheep in a cruel way
https://www.change.org/p/indiana-state-house-end-indiana-house-bill-no-1332 Protest against seizing people's cared for and loved animals and euthanizing them, or putting them in captivity for the rest of their lives or in zoos
http://bit.ly/2kgYfkp Japan. Stop the construction of a resort (hotels etc.)  in Nara Park,  a "Place of Scenic Beauty," and a "Preservation District for Historic Landscapes"
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/688/581/393/ Congress, Reauthorize Programs That Protect Elephants
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/332/058/397/ Stand against Trump's anti-environment agenda
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/556/946/770/  Missouri's Leaders: Support The State's Largest Clean Energy Project
               ========   News and more   ========


Sunday, January 29, 2017

World Congress for Korean Politics and Society. Rebuild ‘trust’ by removing the ‘obstacles’ of the dog and cat meat trades

From: http://koreandogs.org/wckps/  Or send a letter by post

Subject: World Congress for Korean Politics and Society. Rebuild ‘trust’ by removing the ‘obstacles’ of the dog and cat meat trades
Dear Delegates of the World Congress for Korean Politics and Society:
Your forthcoming World Congress for Korean Politics and Society (June 22-24, Seoul, South Korea) notes its theme as being one to rebuild “Trust in Peace and Democracy”.
Scholars and professionals will be brought together from around the world to discuss “innovative ways” of overcoming the “serious obstacles to political stability, economic justice, and social integration”.
In preparation for this event, we ask you to, please, take a minute to watch these videos of South Korea’s dog meat industry: 

Given the growing strength of opposition to the dog and cat meat trades, both within South Korea and throughout the world, this Congress represents a unique opportunity to achieve its objective of rebuilding trust and strengthening social integration, by supporting and finding a way to put a permanent end to the dog and cat meat trades – unregulated trades that are promoted by archaic beliefs that eating dog meat products enhances male virility, amongst other fallacies.

Aberrant trades in which dogs and cats are forced to endure unimaginable torment and deprivation from the moment they are born until the day they are barbarically slaughtered.

These animals are imprisoned in cramped cages with no access to water or exercise, they are hanged, beaten or burnt to death, often in front of other deeply distressed animals, due to the misguided, and disproved, belief that the more the animal suffers the more it increases the health benefits to the consumer.
Dog meat consumption is currently illegal in South Korea, yet despite indigenous and international opposition it is allowed to continue.
The majority of South Korean citizens do not want to be associated with the consumption of companion animals, and the brutal slaughter of dogs across South Korea is severely tarnishing (whether justifiably or not) the names of leading South Korean companies.
Indeed there are a growing number of international campaigns to boycott South Korean goods and tourism until the government puts an end to these abhorrent trades.
In addition to the many social, environmental, and health problems associated with dog meat consumption, it is also in South Korea’s interests to end these trades as the world will not stop its condemnation for such unchecked cruelty.

I therefore urge you to, please, take this opportunity to help bring an end to the inhumanity of the dog and cat meat trades by supporting their abolition.
South Korea has many noble and admirable customs worth promoting and preserving – the torture and consumption of companion animals is not one of them.
Thank you,


Petitions and More, January 29

Last batch Olympic Committee petitions, KoreanDogs.org: