Monday, November 30, 2015

South Korean Companies, Stop the torture and killing of Korean dogs!  Click on each product category for email addresses, make a choice, and sent the sample letter; you might use a neutral subject! Please send 1 letter every day

Subject: Stop the torture and killing of Korean dogs! 대한민국의 개, 불쌍한 누렁이 좀 살려주세요!

Dear Managements of South Korean Companies 한국의 수출업계에게,

다음의 동영상을 봐주시기 바랍니다. Please watch this video!
그리고 이 글을 꼭 읽어주시기 바랍니다. And please read this!

우리 세계인들은 한국인들의 이처럼 잔혹한 반려동물 학대인 개식용, 고양이식용을 지금 곧 멈추기를 촉구합니다. 개식용과 고양이식용은 문화가 아닙니다. 아주 잔인한 동물학대입니다. 개식용과 고양이식용이 한국에서 불법화되어 완전히 사라질때까지 우리 세계인들은 한국상품 불매운동을 계속할것이며 한국을 절대로 방문하지 않을것입니다.

In S. Korea, 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are tortured and slaughtered each year to fuel the $2 billion illegal dog and cat meat industry, a trade that has neither been officially recognized nor accepted by the Korean Government nor the EU.

Bishop Desmond Tutu said, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

Today, we urge you to choose the side of the oppressed and take your position to help ban the barbaric and inhumane dog torture and consumption in S. Korea!

If you want to export your products and services to the rest of the world, and showcase the best of Korea, then please respect our wishes and do your part to end this madness that is going on in your country. Make it your company’s policy to ban employees from eating dog meat that fuel the pockets of these criminals. Lobby your government to enact an enforceable animal protection law that abolishes this abomination once and for all. In doing so you will gain the respect of the youth and the understanding of your customers, currently horrified by these atrocities.

It’s 2015! If it was North Korea one could try to understand, realizing that people are dying of starvation in that backward society. However, South Korea is flourishing and consumers have food and choices. South Korea has a wide variety of cuisine and the world can not understand why you continue to choose not just to eat but to torture companion animals who have served us so faithfully over thousands of years. Just recently the United Kingdom welcomed South Korea in London and your Paralympians had their faithful guide dogs by their side.
The world showed you acceptance and respect, only now to finally discover the very country they are trading with is a nation devoid of any compassion. To know that you are eating not just “farmed animals” but even former pets is incomprehensible to us your customers. To know you turn a blind eye to markets where slaughter takes place in full view of mothers and children fills us with horror. To know you boil and burn dogs alive fills our children with fear.
This is the message you are giving to your current and future trading partners. If you can not show compassion, think about the economics, think about the tourism and think about future World Events. There will be boycotts. There will be major outcry. There will be sanctions.

We urge you and the people of S. Korea to learn the teachings of venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest: Venerable Beopjeong Buddhist Priest’s Argument Against Dog Meat Consumption 법정스님의 개식용 반대론

You still have time to act and make a difference.
Do not allow your company’s image and good name to be tarnished by this illegal industry.
Make S. Korea Proud- Make the Change Now. Don’t let this be your legacy.


Petitions and More, November 30 Int.  Animals shouldn't be used and die for any experiments involving recreational drugs! Refresh verification code US-info. Deadly Doses Funded with Deadly Dollars, Recreational Drug and Addiction Experiments on Animals! Copy/paste the letter to your representative AU-info!Prohibition of Live Imports of Primates for Research in Australia. Upload submission please  More attention please. Exposing the cruelty of the fur trade and the mislabelling of fur products today
More signatures please Poland. Petition for a draft amendment to the Law on the protection of animals prohibiting canine breeding for fur Once more. Mr. Dreyfus, when will The Kooples go Angora fur free?  After signing (ingresa), click on inicio/home, to scroll down for other petitions Netherlands. Dog Djeno deserves a home, not death! Confirm please (spam) Russia. Belgorod Region. Do NOT allow the construction of an Animal experimenting center at the Botanical Garden BSU! Russia. Ivanovo. We demand to stop the contract with LLC Technology for catching 'and sterilizing animals' in connection with numerous violations, killings Create a shelter for homeless animals, toughen criminal responsibility provided for by Article. 245 of the Criminal Code for cruelty to animals Russia. Bring this teenager to justice under Article 245, Cruelty to animals! Russia. Prosecute this woman, Maria Nizovtseva (Kyshtym, Chelyaba. Reg.), for cruelty to animals under Article 245, and ban her from owing a pet in the future! Italy. Mayor of Siniscola Rocco Celentano (province of Nuoro Sardinia), undo the order to restrict each family to have only 3 dogs! Spain. Objections to the construction of the private airport of Alamo, being too close to the protected regional park with important wildlife! Close the polygon chemical waste "Krasny Bor" to receive new industrial waste and protect the residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region of ecological disaster
terminating the documentary series with Hélène and animals, airing every Saturday afternoon on France 5 TV
animal cloning Demand the Government Improves Live Export Animal Welfare Rules and Guidelines as Part of its National Review International Olympic Committee - Move the 2020 Tokyo Olympics for Japan's defiance of the International Court of Justice Investigate if Neonicotinoids are Contributing to the Disappearance of Butterflies from the UK
                =========   News and more   ======= For the love of animals


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Petitions and More, November 28 New Prime Minister of Nepal, we are calling for a ban on all slaughter festivals in Nepal!  Washington University, End the Use of Animals in your Pediatrics Residency Program! ZIP=5 digits Send a letter please. Austria, Science Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner, decide on a list of criteria for animal testing, at the end of Dec. 2015, which actually allows rejection of unethical animal testing applications!  After signing (ingresa), click on inicio/home, to scroll down for other petitions Bee-related scientific censorship has come to light Brazil. Do NOT allow the export of donkeys to China! Spain. Bizkaia. Remove these dogs, save them from further abuse and starvation Brazil. Last resort for Paws Friends Association. Transform this place into a welcoming, caring, vaccinating, castrating and responsible adoptions for the stray and mistreated dogs! Brazil. Pomerode(SC). Mayor, council, provide adequate shelter for our 4-legged friends to save them from abuse, poisoning and death; and let's start a big campaign for castrations Italy.  Carmagnola. Abolish the use of loud barrels at old/new year, it's a sign of civilization! For the protection of nature and for the prevention of environmental crises Tell Toyota to stop funding climate denial and animal cruelty - the Prius doesn't seem so eco-friendly now! Protect Elephants -- Don't Get Taken for a Ride
                    ======  News and more  ======== Once more. What do you think about the authorities' decision to shoot 46 wolves in Sweden? Please select the last option, Jag vill stoppa all jakt på varg= I want to stop all hunting wolves , click on rösta!  For the love of Animals


Friday, November 27, 2015

South Korea, an end to the horrific cruelty of the dog and cat meat trade!  Sample letter, please send
Subject: An end to the horrific cruelty of the dog and cat meat trade!

Dear President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), His Excellency Oh Joon,
ECOSOC is one of the six main organs of the United Nations and is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as for implementation of the internationally agreed development goals. These goals include no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education and responsible consumption and production.
As part of striving to achieve these goals, we are writing to you today to ask you to please add one more very important and urgent goal to your organization’s global goals: to end the horrific cruelty of the dog and cat meat trade.
Please watch this video:
As a South Korea national, I am sure you are very well aware of the dog and cat meat trade in your country as well as in other third world Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
South Korea has the world’s 14th largest economy and is home to global brands such as Samsung, Hyundai, Kia, LG, SK, and Daewoo. Yet, in your country, an estimated 2.5 million dogs and thousands of cats are slaughtered and eaten each year.
Forced to endure deprivation and unimaginable torture from the moment they are born until the day they are slaughtered, dogs are imprisoned in cramped, filthy, raised cages all their lives with no protection from extreme weather. They get no water, exercise, companionship or medical care, and have never felt the ground beneath their feet. Their eardrums are often burst to prevent them from barking.
In broad daylight, often in front of other live dogs, they are electrocuted, hanged, beaten, have their throats slashed, or are boiled or burnt to death. This is a profit-driven, tax free, unregulated industry that aggressively promotes the myth that eating a dog enhances male virility and stamina. Consumption peaks during the hottest days of summer (Boknal).
Your fellow Korean citizens claim that the more a dog suffers, the better tasting its meat. So many dogs are sadistically made to experience extreme fear and suffering prior to death. Cats are frequently boiled alive to make health tonics – “600 Stray Cats Boiled Alive,” Yonhap News, 5/21/15.
The demand is so high in South Korea that 20% of the dogs eaten there are now imported from China. South Korea is the only country known to have large, intensive farming systems to supply the demand for dog meat. Read more:
In addition to the unspeakable cruelty perpetrated by the dog meat trade, is also a serious threat to human health and the environment. The dog farms are a hotbed for infectious diseases. Since there is no disease control, these dogs suffer from highly infectious and transmittable bacteria, virus, ectoparasites, endoparasites, and fungi. Out of 165 dogs bred at a dog farm in the Seoul area, 83 dogs(50.3%) were found to be infected with endoparasites and 23 dogs(20.2%) were found to be infected with heartworms.
Puppies suffer from malnutrition because they are fed rotting food waste (infested with pests such as rats, cockroaches, flies) after being weaned. In order to hide from the law and avoid civil complaints, most dog farms are located in remote areas where the sun is scarce, causing a vitamin D deficiency, which is necessary for bone growth.
Locked in cages for months, dogs are bored and stressed from being packed with other dogs and having to breathe in the constant stench. Stress hormones weaken their immune system and they become susceptible to hormonal diseases such as hyperadrenocorticism.
Antibiotics, antidiarrheal treatments and steroids are used to control measles, parvovirus, various respiratory and digestive diseases, but the abuse of drugs led to an increasing tolerance against antibiotics and to the relevant health problems. In some cases, ten times the normal doses were being administered by the farmers without the supervision of a veterinarian.
Large doses of heavy metals that accumulated in the organs causing internal body malfunctions are detected in dog meat. Heavy metals are assumed to have been accumulated from eating leftover food waste and low-end feed (remains from slaughterhouses). Many serious and often life threatening diseases can be attributable to this unsanitary and inhumane dog meat industry. They include animal bites and scratches, Bubonic Plague, Camphylobacter, Cutaneous larval migrans, Giardiasis, Lyme Disease, Psittacosis, Rabies, Salmonellosis, Shigellosis, Visceral Larva Migrans, Anthrax, Bebesiosis, Brucellosis, Colibacilosis,… Read the extensive research report by KARA (Korea Animal Rights Advocates)
Please watch these videos and see what is going on inside South Korea at this moment:
South Korea’s Dangerous Health Food – Inconvenient Truth About Dog Meat 1 of 2 with English Captions:
South Korea’s Dangerous Health Food – Inconvenient Truth About Dog Meat 2 of 2 with English Captions:
There is no appropriate animal protection legislation to prevent the animal cruelty currently taking place in South Korea. As someone who believes strongly that animals should not be treated in this way, I request that your organization investigate and address this issue immediately. Please impose a sanction on the South Korean government until they strengthen the Animal Protection Law to prevent animal cruelty and to introduce basic animal protection regulations. It must also provide penalties for violations and ensure that mistreated animals can be legally seized from abusers and given immediate refuge. I request that the United Nations ECOSOC strongly urge the South Korean Government to create an enforceable law to ban the torture, killing, sale, and consumption of dogs and cats. Please don’t let the South Korean government get away with this outrageous cruelty to the companion animals. Include the End of the Dog and Cat Meat Trade to the Global Goals of the UN Economic and Social Council!
Thank you for your attention and kind consideration.

Petitions and More, November 27 Tell the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to protect wolves, stop anti-wolf resolutions! Or mail to  , needs more attention  After signing (ingresa), click on inicio/home, to scroll down for other petitions
in the Bavarian Forest from being shot, poisoned and maimed! Please confirm your signature at the blue link, afterwards To send your letter. Italy. Definitively abolish the use of Horses in the 'Bear Joust of Pistoia', a race which since 1975 has caused as many as 27 victims NO to euthanasia of pets of refugees and migrants! Confirm please (spam) Against Cruelty to Animals in the Belgrade Zoo, Serbia. Confirm (spam) Peru. Municipality of Junin. Prohibit Animal torture and murder at the celebration of "Jalapato"! Argentina. Ministry of Ecology of Misiones, Stop the abuse of native animals in national and provincial parks! Colombia. Let Martha Roa resign as Director Corporinoquia, incompetent to protect animals and the environment Spain. Ban the trade in and sale of Dogs Colombia. Santa Marta district. Apply a program of continuous sterilizations, the budget of field  sterilizations 2014 should be used for this
EU. Improve the lives of animals which are being used as food Modify the Spanish Constitution and the laws in force in the three points mentioned below: weapons, cruelty to animals, gender violence
                 ========  News and more   ======== A safe haven to almost 400 wild horses including 29 burros A variety of (also funny) topics. The main topic is probably cats
